Entry #9 ~ Welcome!
Ideally your reading this entry on the 13th October 2024. Are you? Well if your not it’s because:
A) Your missing out
B) Procrastination got the better of me and I’ve released something else on the 13th October that’s not this website and your seeing this who knows when (hopefully that’s not the case, but right now as I’m writing this it’s not looking good)
C) Astrophile went viral on tiktok (which feels like the only way to get anything to be seen nowadays)
D) None of the above
Well either way, whenever you read this I should probably introduce myself, hello besties, you can call me Maddie and I’m the CEO of Astrophile. I’m also seventeen. Believe it or not. Obviously I want my brand to be sophisticated and professional but I think with my blog I want to try be more honest and transparent. Is that wrong? Oh well, there’s not really a guidebook in how a business is ‘meant’ to be. Even if there is, one thing about me is I have the need to be different. Always.
So welcome to my website, which somehow I’ve managed to construct (again, whether I did construct it in time for the 13th October or not is a different story) but welcome. I hope you enjoy and I’ll try to post blogs when I can (If you can’t tell I often struggle with procrastination). I look forward in getting to know you. Or you getting to know me. 🙂